Mother Knows Best!

Article Written by Honor McWilliams with contributions from the Haute Team


(muhth-er). noun

Arguably one of the most influential people in your life, if not the most influential person in your life.

See also: style icon, saint, saviour *in that order*

She has been through it all before. She is your resident expert on every medical ailment, recipe, relationship issue or just life in general. She is the first person you call to ask anything from ‘should I really do this?’ to ‘can I put this in the washing machine?’. A mother, most notably, has a real influence in tailoring our style.

You don’t necessarily have to dress alike, or even remotely similarly. Yet mothers undoubtedly shape, directly or indirectly, how we dress ourselves today. Whether that be a piece of advice you stick by, a passing comment you’ve never forgotten, or a passed down item of clothing or accessory you still wear without fail…her influence lingers on.

I have learned, and continue to learn, so much from my mum when it comes to style. My eternal love of red lips came from her. She always told me no one is ever too rich to buy cheaply. Certain items are worth investing in; it is much more economic than constantly buying replacements for poor quality clothes. The jackets, hats, scarves, and bags that she has passed down to me (or that I have “borrowed” and conveniently “forgotten” to give back) are staples in my wardrobe. We even have matching coats. And shoes. And no- I’m not kidding!

We’re not always on the same page, though. I still remember coming down the stairs before going on my first ever night out wearing a black slip dress and thigh high black heeled boots. Mum took one look at me and said “Oh… you look very Pretty Woman.” I hadn’t seen the iconic Julia Roberts film at that point so I didn’t really understand what she was insinuating. Honestly, I still take the reference as a compliment to this day, even though I’m sure mum most definitely didn’t mean it as one!

Most importantly, my mum has taught me that simplicity underpins sophistication. Trends come and go; but style is constant. Elegance never goes out of fashion. She is, and always will be, the most graceful and classy woman I know. It is a privilege to call her my mum.

So, in honour of Mother’s Day, we asked the Haute Team how has your mother influenced your style? What role does she have in your life when it comes to fashion? What did she teach you that will always stay with you?

Gabriella, Writer:

“I can’t remember the last time I bought something without sending a link to my mum on WhatsApp first. Her opinion is one I implicitly trust and apparently need (even if she is busy right now) before I make any fashion decisions. Fashion has always been something that bonded us. We could talk about it for hours (and trust me, we have done). There’s nothing I love more than hearing about the amazing outfits she wore to work that she proudly paid for herself beginning from when she was younger than I am now. Through the clothes that I wear I feel connected to a version of my mum that I will never get to meet. I’m connected to the one who loved her Charlie’s Angels jumpsuit whenever I wear my denim Free People equivalent. To the one who didn’t own a pair of flat shoes until she fell pregnant with me (who needs anything but heels and a pair of running trainers?) whenever I’m an hour into a night out and my feet are already killing me. To the rebellious young woman who changed her hairstyle every week when I cropped my hair Winona Ryder style or left the hairdressers with a platinum blond undercut. And I will continue to feel forever connected to her through using all of the amazing bits and pieces she’s collected over the years (thanks mum). Because as she always says, ‘nothing is new’. Which I’m very glad about because it means my handbag collection is bested by Kylie Jenner and Kylie Jenner only.”

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Lucy, Head Stylist:

“My mum has never been someone who wears much make-up so, unfortunately, she hasn’t been much help on that front. However, and I know everyone says this, I really do think my mum is a bit of a style icon! The main thing my mum has taught me about fashion is less about the clothes themselves, but how to wear them. She always emphasised dressing for your body shape, so from a young age I was made well aware that not everything suits everyone- and that’s okay! I can remember painful trips to Topshop as a teen where I’d hold up a stunning dress, just for her to tell me bluntly “it won’t suit you.” But, as always, she was right and this is a piece of advice I still think of whenever I buy something today- and I know that oversized shoulders is not a look I can pull off!”

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Shona, Graphics:

“When buying clothes, my mum is the ultimate shopping partner: she’s patient, she gives the best advice, and she foots the bill!”

Claire, Stylist:

“I have a bag from my mom that I always use. When I was younger my mom used to always take me shopping with her. She has taught me a lot about fashion- now we basically share closets!”

Marguerite, Publisher:

“My mother has influenced my style from a very young age. She would often dress us in matching outfits, including matching Lily Pulitzer dresses, and made sure I always had a giant bow in my hair. Although we don’t wear matching clothes anymore (thank goodness), I’m still always happy to raid her closet when I’m visiting home, and once or twice she might be missing some clothing when I head back to Scotland (sorry mom!).”

Frances, Editor- In- Chief:

“Whenever I am with mum there is always stomach hurting laughter and silliness. For her, life has always been about having fun and in everyday there is always something to be grateful for. Fashion for her, and in turn me, is about not letting clothes restrict you. Clothes should make you feel confident to have fun and be silly, specifically in my case practicing ballet to the point of falling into a Christmas tree! She believes that there is so much more to life than worrying about what people think, she has proved this many times when dancing in public! So I guess my mum has taught me that life is there to be enjoyed and your clothes should let you do that, keep it classic and fun’

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