Styling It Right: Emmanuella Core

Words by Wonder Lisungi, Stylist; images courtesy of Emmanuella Ellia

We’ve all come across those TikTok-style ‘what are you wearing today’ interviews, haven't we? The ones that give us a peek into the diverse and eclectic fashion choices of individuals around the globe. Now, let’s shift our focus to the style scene right here at St Andrews. What defines the choices of the students gracing the cobblestone pathways of this historic institution? Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Emmanuella, a fourth-year Economics student, to chat about the thoughts behind her style.

Emmanuella, pictured above in 7 outfits.

How would you describe your personal style (in three words or less)?

Very Emmanuella-coded.

What themes do you incorporate into your style, and how would you style a look?

I think every single outfit I wear is very much catered to me, as my mind comes up with it. Everything I wear must be a representation of me, as my style is the first thing people will notice about me. Therefore, it’s the initial medium that allows people to get to know me. I am a very queer person, and my style definitely reflects it. I usually begin styling an outfit around a colour that I really want to wear or an item within my wardrobe that is calling to me. Then, my mind just starts connecting and creating.

Who (or what) inspires you in fashion?

Old women. More specifically women in their fifties to eighties. I’m so fascinated by their attitude. They don’t care. They're so unapologetically themselves, wearing whatever they want. I find that so inspiring because I want to exude the same energy. Also, what they choose to wear is just cool. Old men, too. Sometimes, they have crazy drip, and I find myself looking at their outfit and thinking, ‘I would wear that’.

Where do you source your clothes from (retail, thrifting, passed down by generation, etc)?

I thrift a lot. One of my goals for this year was to wear at least 60% thrifted items in every single one of my outfits. And thankfully, I've been able to. I love looking in a charity shop and finding an item which is beautiful and yet somehow so quintessentially me. It’s so satisfying. I also wear a lot of second-hand clothes given to me by my family and my friends. I love wearing things people I care about give to me, as it’s a constant reminder of their love for me. It's like, ‘Wow, you saw something of yours that made you think of me, and you want me to have it’. At least, that's how I see it. For example, one of my best friends gave me a white feather boa, which has become one of my personality traits. I do however have very specific retail shops where I buy jeans. Pull and Bear, in my opinion, has the best denim. And I'm not gonna lie: The Ragged Priest website, during their discount seasons, will definitely see me buying their jeans.

Emmanuella pictured in the white sunflower top.

Tell us about your favourite item of clothing or what piece of clothing you would consider your ‘signature’ look.

My favourite item in my wardrobe is a white sunflower top (pictured above), which has a mesh back. I love mesh. It’s one of my favourite materials. It was given to me by one of my best friends for my birthday this summer, and I love it. It’s the best item I own. First of all, I love sunflowers. They are what I visualise myself as. And second all, the fact that one of my favourite people found something I would love so much and gifted it to me has to make this item my favourite. Visually, symbolically, and texturally, it’s such an interesting top. I love it so much.

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