Dating in St Andrews: inspiration for all the seasons

Writer by Daryna Tsioupine

Edited by Grace Kennedy

Photography by Daryna Tsioupine, Hanna Mirgorodschi, William Bonilla

If you are content with pancakes at North Point, ice cream at Janetta’s, or a classic cinema date, then good for you and no shade intended … But you may want to consider branching out from your usual haunts seeing as we live in a town made up of three streets, which is crawling with professors, best friends with a passion for humiliation, not to mention exes and that one awkward freshers’ hook-up. I invite you to read on in order to truly impress your chosen accomplice(s) in romance, and choose an adventure. Whether you are looking for a first-class first date idea or an exciting spicy date for a longer-term situation, you’ll find some inspiration here.

For the dancers: Beginners class with BALLADS or Shimmy Soc

The Latin and Ballroom Society and Shimmy Soc both offer classes that cater to complete beginners. Choose from Latin and Ballroom, Salsa and Bachata, and Dancehall. This would be perfect for a first date, and an ideal physical icebreaker. Dancing can be intimate and sensual but also casual and fun, because it’s social dancing where you are partnered with loads of people!


For the animal lovers, I present: Horse Riding in Cupar

This won’t be a cheap date, but it will sure be memorable. You can book an hour-long hack through the countryside with Barbarafield Riding School, who are amazing at gently guiding beginners through the basics of horse riding. If you go during a quieter time, you may even be the only ones there! Imagine yourself in an Austen-esque period piece, galloping through the fields with your lover. (And then lower your expectations a tiny bit, because if it is your first time, you will mostly be focusing on not bruising your bum when you attempt a slow trot).

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The Aquarium!

Most people have heard of the St Andrews Aquarium but few have actually visited. Let me tell you now – if you love animals – it is WORTH it. It is much more like a zoo than an aquarium, as you can meet penguins, meerkats and marmosets alongside your classic fish. If you time your visit right, you can see all the feedings and talks, as well. Honestly, you could have just as much fun here on your own, go wild and take yourself out on a solo date.

For the exercise enthusiasts: Climbing

Feeling brave? Come to an open session of the new indoor climbing wall at the AU. In order to climb unsupervised, you have to use the equipment (a harness etc.), which you can learn at the beginners’ lessons. This will be an exercise in trust and will test your relationship and communication, so participate at your own risk. Probably not first date material.

If you are comfortable spending around 10 hours together, why not go the full monty and trek to Anstruther…

If you are comfortable spending around 10 hours together, why not go the full monty and trek to Anstruther…

For the outdoorsy: Fife Coastal Trail

If you are comfortable spending around 10 hours together, why not go the full monty and trek to Anstruther to reward yourselves with their famous fish and chips. If you’d rather not, you can do as little as you want. Perhaps choose the length of your hike proportionally to how long you have been dating. I can confirm that it starts to all look the same after a few hours anyway. Pro tip: best not to do this one in the dead of winter, and bring supplies.

Summer dates: Balgove Steak barn

The Steak Barn at the Balgove Larder takes place during the summer months (re-opens February 29th) and is a chance to eat great food and drink, while enjoying live music. This is a really chilled event for a relaxed date with a lively atmosphere. It is good wholesome fun and probably the safest first date option here.

Bonus! If you go in May these beautiful flowers will be in bloom!

Bonus! If you go in May these beautiful flowers will be in bloom!

Picnic at Eden Estuary

This is definitely a date for sunny days. Take a long peaceful walk through the golf course and fields until you stumble upon the waterfront. Lay out a blanket, share snacks, and enjoy nature together. It’s hard to surprise a fellow St Andrews student with a place that they haven’t been before, but this one might just do it (unless they are a geography student, in which case they have probably field-tripped there and it won’t be as cool sorry).

If thou remember'st not the slightest folly 
That ever love did make thee run into, 
Thou hast not lov'd.
-    Shakespeare, As You Like It, II, iv
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